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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Repost: NOTICE: “Information security education” for all users of the UTokyo network services / 情報セキュリティ教育の実施について October 12, 2017

NOTICE: “Information security education” for all users of the UTokyo network services

I. All members of the university that use university-provided computer services, i.e. all members with UTokyo Accounts are required to take this
program. All students who have been issued with an UTokyo Account by November 15th, 2017,including researchers and auditing students, etc. Students currently
taking leave of absence are not subject to the program.

II. The information security education program will be conducted during the following time periods.
Students: October 1 to November 30, 2017

III. To take the e-learning course, please follow the steps outlined below.
1.Login to ITC-LMS (also accessible off-campus)
2.Select “Information Security Education”
3.Read the “InformationSecurity2017.pdf” file
4.Take the five-question test about the contents of the pdf file
*You must answer all five questions correctly to pass and finish the course. Please retake the test until you get all five answers right.
5.Participate in the questionnaire
*Completing steps 3 to 5 is required to finish the e-learning course.
*Please take the course during the specified time period.

As the information security education e-learning course is mandatory for all who use university-provided computer services, those who do not complete it may have their access to some UTokyo Account services (such as non-essential UTokyo Wi-Fi access) revoked.