トップページ > 授業科目 > 基幹科目 経済分野 > ミクロ経済学基礎

ミクロ経済学基礎 シラバス


Yun Jeong Choi (崔 允禎)









 This course introduces you to microeconomic concepts and ideas. It provides the basic economic models of consumers, firms, and related government policies. Throughout the course, we learn not only economic results driven by economic agents in markets (e.g., the price increase of gas leads to the decrease of gas consumption), but also learn how pricing decision is made, what the motivation for gas producers to increase price is, what other factors may affect prices, what policy may be applied to each case. By doing so, this course promotes problem solving and critical thinking in areas of theory and policy. Therefore, it also emphasizes the integration of real-world examples. So I expect you to keep up with economic news in Nihon Keizai shimbun or any other keizai newspaper.

  This course does not require Calculus as a prerequisite, but knowledge of Calculus will be useful. Therefore, in the beginning of the semester, review of Calculus that we will use over the semester will be provided by the teaching assistant.



Mid term I, II(35%), final (40%)


H. Varian, Intermediate microeconomics: a modern approach, 6th edition, Norton


Robert Pindyck and Daniel Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 6th edition, Prentice Hall, 2004.


Detailed Course Schedule

April 6thLecture #1Introduction; chapt 1
April 11/13thLecture #2, #3Budget constraint; preferences; Utility; chapts 2, 3 & 4
April 18/20thLecture #4, #5Utility functions; Choice; Demand ; chapts 4, 5, & 6
April 25/27thLecture #6, #7Income & substitution effects; Intertemporal Choice; chapt 8 & 10
May 2/4thLecture #8, #9Mid term exam prep, Holiday
May 9thLecture #10Mid term exam I
May 11/16thLecture #11 , #12Consumer's surplus; market demand; equilibrium;chapts 14,15 & 16
May 18thLecture #13Equilibrium & comparative statics; chapt 16
May 23/25thLecture #14, #15Technology; profit maximization; chapts 18 & 19
May 30/1stLecture #16, #17Cost functions; cost curves; chapts 20 & 21
June 6/8thLecture #18, #19Monopoly and monopoly pricing; chapts 24 & 25
June 13thLecture #20Mid term exam II (tentative)
June 15thLecture #21Factor markets; Oligopoly; chapts 26 & 27
June 20/22thLecture #22, #23Game theory; chapts 28 & 29
June 27/29thLecture #24, #25Pure exchange and production economies; chapts 30 & 31
June 4/6thLecture #26, #27Welfare economics and externalities; chapts 32 & 33
July 11/13thLecture #28, #29Externalities; public goods; chapts 33 & 35
July 18thFinal ExamFinal Examination
TBASessionMathematical Review
TBASessionExam prep session
