GPPN Student Conference Tokyo 2013

Conference Report

Shinji Yasui

On December 7th and 8th, "GPPN Student Conference Tokyo 2013" was held at the Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP), the University of Tokyo.

Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) is a partnership between School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University, FGV-EAESP, GraSPP at the University of Tokyo, Hertie School of Governance, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy(LKY-SPP) at National University of Singapore, the Institute of Public Affairs at London School of Economics and Political Science, and Sciences Po. In order to facilitate cooperation among students and faculties of GPPN member schools, GPPN has held an annual conference since 2006. This year, the GPPN Conference was hosted by the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Tokyo for the first time in its history.

For the preparation of the conference, the Organizing Committee was established in the mid of September. Although GraSPP hosts exchange events annually with LKY-SPP and SIPA, this was the first time GraSPP had invited more than 70 students from all the 7 GPPN schools together. Planning such an event was a challenge for the Committee.

Despite struggling with the preparation, the Organizing Committee members' undying efforts were the key to success. Every time we encountered troubles in the process such as screening papers for the selection of the conference participants, planning social events, publicizing of the conference, and etc, committee members took initiatives to solve the problems.

In addition to members' efforts, support from professors led to the successful conclusion of the conference. On the first day, Dean Takatoshi Ito and Vice Dean Hideaki Shiroyama, with other professors from GPPN member schools, joined Deans' Round Table and had a very interesting discussion. Professor Keisuke Iida, Professor Toshiro Nishizawa, Professor Katsuhiro Kano, Professor Nobuo Tanaka, and the chair of the National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission Professor Kiyoshi Kurokawa had terrific lectures on issues regarding economics, international relations, and disaster management. On the second day, Professor Toshiro Nishizawa, Professor Hiroaki Miyamoto, and Professor Nobuo Tanaka participated in the students’ presentation session and provided them with invaluable comments. We would like to show our greatest appreciation to all professors who have kindly offered us their assistance amidst their busy schedules.

Last but not least, the GraSPP International Team with a special reference to Ms Aoi Ohno had constantly supported us since day one. From the setup of the Organizing Committee to the management of the actual conference, the team provided us with advice and guidance towards the successful conclusion of the inaugural conference in Tokyo. The team also responded to our inquiries promptly, even when it was late into the night. We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences caused and thank them for all the assistance rendered.

We are confident that the success of the GPPN Conference Tokyo 2013 contributed to the globalization of GraSPP. As a student of the GraSPP, I am enjoying the benefits of attending one of the top schools of GPPN, and will look forward to aim higher as a future public policy maker.

安井 伸治

2013年12月7、8日、GPPN国際会議が東京大学公共政策大学院にて開催された。GPPN (Global Public Policy Network)は、コロンビア大学国際公共政策大学院(ニューヨーク)、 ジェトリオ・ヴァルガス財団サンパウロビジネススクール(サンパウロ)、ヘルティ・スクール・オブ・ガバナンス(ベルリン)、シンガポール国立大学リー・クァン・ユー公共政策大学院(シンガポール)、ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス(ロンドン)、パリ政治学院(パリ)、 東京大学公共政策大学院(東京)の七つの公共政策大学院から構成されるネットワークである。GPPNは、加盟7校の学生および教員を招待し、今日の公共政策立案における課題についての研究成果を報告および討論する会議を毎年開催しており、 2013年は東京大学公共政策大学院が初めて同会議を主催することとなった。






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