谷口 武俊 Taketoshi TANIGUCHI



1984年東京大学大学院工学系研究科博士課程修了(工学博士)。同年(財)エネルギー総合工学研究所入所。1994年(財)電力中央研究所経済社会研究所入所、社会経済研究所長・研究参事を経て現職。東京大学大学院工学系研究科原子力専攻(専門職大学院)客員教授を兼務。2005年より非営利活動法人HSEリスク・シーキューブ代表理事、2010年よりWorld Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Assurance Group for the Tire Industry Project委員を務める。専門は、技術リスクガバナンス研究、原子力政策分析、科学技術社会論など。主な著書に「リスク意思決定論」、「どうする日本の原子力−21世紀への提言」等がある。


Dr. Taketoshi Taniguchi is a Professor at UTokyo Policy Alternatives Research Institute (PARI), the University of Tokyo. Prior to joining UOT in 2012, he was the Director of the Socio-Economic Research Center at the Central Research Institute of the Electric Power Industry from 2005-2010. He received his Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1984. He also served since 2005 as a representative of HSE Risk C-cube, an NPO for risk communication and collaboration with the community. Dr. Taniguchi's area of expertise includes energy and nuclear policies, energy-related environmental risk and external cost analysis, organizational risk management and the societal decision-making process. His recent works and interest focus on technological risk governance in a complex society.