Campus Asia Student Workshop in Seoul & Beijing

Workshop Report

Keisuke Goto

First of all, I would like to thank Professor Valentine and all staff of GraSPP for offering me this precious opportunity. CAMPUS Asia Program offers an unprecedented possibility of public policy study we do not get elsewhere. I came to this conclusion after experiencing a wonderful stay in Seoul and Beijing. Although the trip was just over a couple of days, I truly enjoyed interaction with potential policymakers of the region we live in.

In today's debate of Japanese foreign policies, no one denies the importance of China and Korea. Nonetheless, not many people have actually studied in the countries. While the so-called elite students have been focusing on the United States and Britain, the world has become more diverse and polarised. As a country in East Asia, Japan cannot but seek for more involvement in the region. Considering this current situation, it is very meaningful that the University of Tokyo has established the program together with two of the most prestigious universities in Asia: Seoul National University and Peking University.

Both at SNU and PKU, students there amazed me with their passion and capacity to discuss public policy issues. In the first workshop in Seoul, for instance, our topic was on East Asian cooperation. All the students in my group had not only good understanding of the matter, but also a clear opinion of themselves. The most impressive moment for me was when we compared the importance of historical and economic issues in the future of East Asia at the workshop. Although I personally believed in the positive impacts that economic cooperation brings, I could not fully convince my group mates. Moreover, after listening to my opinion they critically offered me new insights which I must say was pretty enlightening.. Although we did not come to a shared conclusion in the short time, it was truly a stimulating experience for me.

Through attending this CAMPUS Asia workshop, I got several memorable lessons. Among them, therewas a lesson I particularly would like to keep in mind; that is, the importance of looking at issues from every possible angle and aspect. For instance, when we discussed energy issues at PKU, we came across different opinions on sustainability and cost of energy we use. As the Professor Valentine suggested, it is essential that we look at different aspects to make the best judgement that we can make at the time. This is a simple, but often a forgotten truth about decision making. From now on, I will try my best to diversify my views whenever I make a decision.

Having said that, I would like to emphasise again how attractive this CAMPUS Asia Program is. For students at the University of Tokyo, it is the very first program where we can visit both China and Korea with an additional official degree and a diploma just in one and a half years. Not only is it a great academic chance, but also it offers a precious opportunity to make friends with future Asian leaders both in Seoul and Beijing. I myself have met very stimulating youths in just five days. I strongly recommend this program to those who are seeking for active interaction with bright Asian students.

教養学部総合社会科学科 国際関係論分科 3年
後藤 圭佑

ソウルと北京でのワークショップを終えた今、CAMPUS Asia プログラムは公共政策学、国際関係学において今までにない学びの機会だと感じます。今回のワークショップはどちらの国にもわずか2日間ずつの滞在となりましたが、将来この東アジア地域を引っ張っていくであろう学生たちとの交流は本当に刺激的で楽しい時間でした。



CAMPUS Asiaのワークショップ参加を通じて、私にはいくつかの学びがありました。中でも特に心にとめておきたいことは、問題を出来るだけ多くの側面から捉えていくことの大切さです。北京大においてエネルギー問題を話し合った際には、エネルギーの持続可能性やそのコストについて異なる意見が出てきました。ヴァレンタイン教授が指摘して下さったように、その場その場で最善の選択をしていくには様々な角度から検討を行うことが不可欠です。このシンプルだけれども忘れられやすい事実は、物事の決定に重要な要素だと感じます。

以上の経験を踏まえても、CAMPUS Asia は本当に魅力的なプログラムだと思います。東京大学の学生にとって、1年半の間に中国と韓国の両国に留学して公式の学位を得ることができるプログラムは初めてのものです。これは学問の面からみても大きなチャンスであるだけでなく、アジアにおける将来のリーダーと親交を深める貴重な機会です。私自身も、5日間の中でとても刺激的な若者たちと出会うことが出来ました。アジアの優秀な学生たちと学び合う機会を求めている方にとって、このプログラムは素晴らしい機会を提供するものだと感じました。