国際プログラムコース 第2回『修了予定者記念品授与式』を開催しました

国際プログラムコース(Master of Public Policy/International Program)に所属する25名の修了予定者にむけ、第2回『修了予定者記念品授与式』を8月1日に開催しました。公共政策大学院の教職員に加え、世界銀行、IMF東京事務所、インターンシップの受け入れをしている企業からも来賓を迎え厳かな雰囲気のなか、民族衣装に身を包んだ修了生やその家族達が彩りを加え、国際色あふれる華やかな式となりました。

式では、伊藤隆敏院長より修了予定者代表のXu Yunchengさんへ記念品としてこの日のために作成した公共政策大学院オリジナルのはっぴが手渡されました。


Pre-Graduation Ceremony and Reception

The Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP) hosted a “pre-graduation” ceremony and reception on August 1st for 25 students of the second graduating class of the Master of Public Policy/International Program (MPP/IP).

In addition to professors and staff of GraSPP, student family members and representatives from the World Bank, the IMF, and other supporting organizations were in attendance.

Some students dressed up in traditional ethnic dresses. The ceremony and reception were conducted with cosmopolitan atmosphere.

In the Pre-Graduation Ceremony, Dean Ito presented a GraSPP-original “happi” (traditional coats worn on festive occasions) to graduating students. A representative of the graduating body, Xu Yuncheng, gave a splendid speech.

To the reception, 1st year students and other guests joined. All the participants enjoyed the ceremony and the reception. We all wish a successful future for all the graduating students.