

【事務連絡】学生ユーザIDの共通ID化について / Adoption of a Common User ID for Students' User IDs





NOTICE: Adoption of a Common User ID for Students' User IDs

From March 1, 2012, the students' user IDs (individual user name) for use with the Educational Campuswide Computing System (ECCS) will be changed to a common ID (the last 10 digits). (Common ID (PDF, 36.8KB))

The common ID will become the user ID for all systems related to the ECCS, including the terminals, mail system, wireless LAN, and CFIVE (cfive.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp).

Students with e-mail addresses based on the user IDs, which are in turn based on current student ID numbers, will be able to receive e-mails until around September 2012.

Please refer to the ECCS website for details.

※※The common ID will be changed to a new one from March 1,2012
   except for the use in the PC room, 6th floor of the
   Administration Bureau Building 2.

In the PC room, new common ID will be available before the end of March. The exact date will be announced later again.
