Bulletin Board for Current Students


Global Talent training Seminar "10 useful tips for young people who want to pursue global career"

Date & Time :15:00 - 17:00 on Thursday, February 20, 2014
Place :Seminar Room #3 on the 7th floor, Administration Bureau Bldg. No.2
Campus Map (in Japanese)

* Anyone is welcome but your registration (name and e-mail address) is required.
A reminder e-mail will be sent if the day coming near.
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●Introduction and recommendation

By SEKI Keiichiro, Professor, GraSPP

Mr. SATO Setsuya, who had worked for Bank of Japan about thirty years and is familiar in the activities of international organizations such as World Bank and Bank for International Settlements (BIS), will have "Global Talent training Seminar". After he had worked for the foreign-affiliated insurance company and securities firm, he acted also as Executive Managing Director for Government Affairs and Policy in Japan GE.
Under his rich international experiences, he will make a speech, "10 useful tips for young people who want to pursue global career".
Most of Japanese companies are floating on a big wave of globalization, and some of them, which had been competitive, lost their power rapidly in this trend.
On the other hand, we can see many aggressive companies, using English inside as an official language such as Rakuten and UNIQLO, try to establish worldwide system focusing on the global market.
Now it is greatly helpful for job-hunting in such companies to aim at the talented people who can play an active part globally.
Please join this seminar and take advantage of this good chance.

●Outline of the seminar

"10 useful tips for young people who want to pursue global career"
What is a "global talent"? Don't you still believe that, to pursue a global career, you have to attend an English language college, score high at TOEFL or TOEIC, obtain MBA from a Business School in the US or Europe to join US or European global companies? What are the key attributes to become a "world-level" global talent?
To pursue the global career, should you choose the private sector (i.e., investment banks) or the public sector (International Organizations)? An American company or an European company? Manufacturing industry or financial industry? What are the differences between them? How different they are from the Japanese companies?
During the global career journey, how should you cope with the risk of losing your job? How you could you keep your motivation when you actually lose your job?
Mr. Sato will summarize his candid response to these questions as 10 tips by sharing his personal global career experience. The seminar will be practical and interactive.

Tip #1: Seek a world class leader as your mentor for life
Tip #2: Ask and you shall receive
Tip #3: Diversity and cross-functional collaborations can be leaned in Japanese organizations
Tip #4: Appreciate you are part of fast-moving world of uncertainty
Tip #5: Build your competence to open another door when one door closes
Tip #6: Appreciate corporate DNA of leadership development as a valuable gift
Tip #7: Different manifestation of “Globalization” is a useful lesson for Japanese corporations’ globalization
Tip #8: Be honest about what motivates you
Tip #9: Secure a credible organization as your constituency
Tip #10: Create your own mission statement and follow through

●About Mr. SATO Setsuya

Senior Executive Advisor,
Japan Government Affairs & Policy,
GE Japan Corporation

He spent most of his professional career, from 1975 to 2002 at the Bank of Japan, where he held various senior roles including Chief Bank Examiner, Senior Economist and Manager, in such central banking activities as monetary policy planning and economic analysis, bank supervision and monitoring, troubled bank resolution and international finance.
Mr. Sato has extensive experience abroad at multi-national financial institutions. From 1999 to 2002, he worked for the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, as Senior Advisor and Head of Special meetings at its Monetary and Economic Department. From 1993 to 1997, he worked for the World Bank in Washington, D.C., as Financial Advisor in its Financial Sector Development Department. From 2002 to 2004 he was Vice President and Chief Risk Officer at the Japanese subsidiary of UK Prudential Plc.
Mr. Sato holds a B.A. in Economics from Tokyo University (1975) and a M. Phil. in Economics from Oxford University (1980). He is also a U.S. Certified Public Accountant (State of Delaware) and Certified Internal Auditor. He is the author of numerous books and articles on corporate restructuring, payment and clearing systems, electronic money and e-finance, in both English and Japanese.
Their titles include: Electronic finance; an overview of the issues (in Electronic finance: a new perspective and challenges, BIS Papers No. 7, with John Hawkins, November 2001), The Evolution of Money: from Real to Virtual (Sigma Base Capital Publishing, 1999), The Economics of Financial High-technology: the Functioning of Swaps, Options and Financial Futures (Toyo Keizai Publishing, 1991). He was born in Tokyo in 1952.

July 2013

「グローバルキャリア養成セミナー」開催のお知らせ -グローバルキャリアを目指す貴方へ贈る10のアドバイス-

場所:第2本部棟7階 第3演習室

※ 参加は自由ですが、事前に氏名とアドレスを登録してください。
     Registration form


公共政策大学院教授 関啓一郎



「グローバル人材」とは何か?英語の専門学校に通い、TOEFL やTOEICで高得点を挙げ、欧米のビジネススクールに留学して箔をつけ、卒業直後から欧米のグローバル企業に就職してバリバリ実績を挙げるのでなければ「グローバルキャリア」ではないとの思い込みはないか?「世界で勝つ」グローバル人材の要件とは?

  1. 一流クラスのリーダーを生涯のメンターとせよ
  2. 求めよ さらば与えられん
  3. ダイバーシティと部門横断型コミュニケーションは日本人組織からも学べる
  4. 自分も不確実で変化の速いグローバル世界の一部であると認識せよ
  5. コンピテンスは逆境にあって転機を招き入れる鍵と思え
  6. リーダーシップ育成を組織のDNAとする企業は人材への投資を惜しまない
  7. 異なるグローバリゼーションの現れ方は日本企業グローバル化の参考になる
  8. 自分のモチベーションに正直であれ
  9. 信頼に足る組織で自身の成長の基盤を作れ
  10. 個人的なミッション・ステートメントを作れ


日本GE株式会社 シニア・エグゼクティブ・アドバイザー

2009年10月政府関連統括本部長として日本GE株式会社に入社、2010年6月、専務執行役員 政府関連統括に就任。2013年7月より現職。


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