Bulletin Board for Current Students


COURSE: Monday & Wednesday, at Period 2, "Case Study (International Political Economy)"

Message from Prof. HIWATARI.

Notes on the prospectus

(1) DEADLINE: The deadline for your prospectus in May 7.

The length is usually 5 to 10 pages (singled spaced) but is at your discretion

The contents: the prospectus should include the following.

  1. Your research question and its practical/theoretical relevance (why the question is interesting and important)
  2. Literature review: the review should be used to support your claim about the importance of your research question and whatever conclusion you reach.
  3. Research design
  4. (a) your "dependent" variable

    (b) your "independent variable" and control variables

    Both variables should be selected by reviewing the existing literature

    (c) your hypothesis that explains the expected results including interpretation of the results

    This includes the findings you have obtained so far from the existing literature

    (d) Materials/data you intend to use for your dependent and independent variables in order to corroborate your hypothesis (including the articles you intend to read/cite). You can put the list of materials and further readings in the bibliography.

    Important note: he paper does not have to be quantitative. On the contrary qualitative studies are very welcome. But the paper must have a clear logic and interesting findings/implications.

  5. Conclusion / implications of your paper
  6. A simple step-by-step schedule with deadlines (i.e., when you hope to finish gathering materials/data; when you hope to finish processing the materials/data, when you plan to start writing etc.)

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