Bulletin Board for Current Students


NOTICE: Regarding Research Paper for S Semester 2015

This schedule is for Research Paper of the course code 5150011.

  1. Two credit points will be conferred upon passing the final oral examination.
  2. A maximum of four credits can potentially be gained through the submission of a research paper.
  3. Students can write their research paper during both their first year and second year.
  4. The paper must be written under the academic supervision of a faculty member. Only those faculty members who teach a course/courses at the Graduate School of Public Policy are permitted to be supervisors. Part-time lecturers cannot be supervisors. Please refer to the research paper academic supervisor list for a list of faculty members who are able to become supervisors.
    • List of Academic Instructors in charge of Research Paper AY2014 (PDF, 294 KB)
  5. Students who intend to write a research paper must first gain the consent of a faculty member from the research paper academic supervisor list to become their academic advisor. Upon gaining consent students must submit a research paper registraion form bearing the seal of their academic advisor in early February. Students are permitted, upon gaining consent from a faculty member in advance, to begin preparatory work on their paper before the submission of the research paper registration form.
  6. Students must decide on their title and submit a research paper title report in late March, 2015.
  7. Final submission of the research paper is in late May, 2015.
  8. The research paper should have an approximate character/words count of no more than 12,000 characters (Japanese) or 4,200 words (English). Students must gain permission in advance from their academic advisor if they believe that their research paper will exceed these limits.
  9. The research paper will be registered as a two credit point class upon enrollment. Please be aware that these two credit points will still be included in a student's annual credit point total (maximum 38 per annum) even if the student does not submit a paper (please refer to the Graduate School of Public Policy Regulations, Article 11, Section 2). No registration in UT mate is required.
  10. Below are the deadlines from registration through to submission:
Course Registration Period:Feb. 2 (Mon) - Feb. 6 (Fri)
Title Report Period:Mar. 23 (Mon) - Mar. 27 (Fri)
Final submission (striclty observed):by 4 p.m. May 21 (Thu)
Oral Examination:Aug. 3 (Mon) - Aug. 5 (Wed)





  • リサーチペーパー指導教員該当リスト(PDF, 294 KB

リサーチペーパーを履修しようとする学生は、まず、自己の指導教員となることを希望する教員から、承諾を得た後、 2月上旬の履修登録期間に、 指導教員の押印を得た上で、「リサーチペーパー履修届」を提出しなければなりません。 なお、履修届提出以前でも、予め指導教員の承諾を得て、論文の準備を進めることは差し支えありません。

なお、リサーチペーパー履修届を提出した時点で、授業科目の単位(2単位)として登録されます(UT-mate の手続きは不要)。 もしリサーチペーパーを提出できなくなった場合でも、履修登録単位として残り、授業科目の年間登録上限38単位に算入される(教育部規則第11条第2項参照)ので注意してください。

リサーチペーパーの履修登録から提出までの日程は以下のとおりです 。

履修登録期間2月2日(月) ~ 6日(金)
題目届提出期間3月23日(月) ~ 27日(金)
口述試験8月3日(月) ~ 5日(水)

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