Bulletin Board for Current Students


NOTICE: Tuition Payment for the second semester AY2015

1. Withdrawal from a bank account

The tuition for the second semester AY2015 will be withdrawn from your bank account on Friday, 27 November. Please be sure to credit enough money to your account by Thursday, 26 November.

The amount of the tuition for the second semester AY2015 is as follows.

Graduate students who enrolled in Sep. 2015: 312,550 yen
*For the first year, the tuition payment will be for the first seven months from September 2015 to March 2016.

Graduate students other than above: 267,900 yen

2. Applicants for tuition exemption

If you receive an exemption for half the amount or do not get an exemption, the payment due date will be scheduled at the end of December. After you receive the notice, please credit your account with the corresponding amount immediately.

3. Issuing a receipt

The withdrawal of the tuition will be appeared on your bank account statement. If you need an official receipt issued by the University of Tokyo, please come to the GraSPP Graduate School Office.
The receipt is scheduled to be issued after the first week of December.


1. 預金口座への入金

平成27年度後期授業料の預金口座からの引き落し日は、11月27日(金)です。 11月26日(木)までに、預金口座へ授業料相当額の入金を忘れないように注意してください。




2. 授業料免除申請者

半額免除及び不許可が決定した場合、授業料の引き落しは免除結果の決定日の属する月又はその翌日に行いますので、 通知のあった日以後、すみやかに預金口座への入金をお願いします。

3. 領収証書の交付

指定預金口座の通帳には、授業料を引き落とした旨表示されますが、大学からの領収証書が必要な方は、下記の授業料預金口座振替相談窓口へ申し出てください。 なお、領収証書の交付は12月第一週目以降を予定しています。

Current Students