September 8, 2017
国際学術総合研究棟の停電について/ Electric power interruption in the Intl’ Academic Research
国際学術総合研究棟の停電について/ Electric power interruption in the Intl’ Academic Research
Scholarship: About Support 21 / さぽうと21学生・生活支援プログラム募集について
NOTICE: Temporary suspension of the network service / ネットワークサービス停止のお知らせ
(Repost) NOTICE: Applications for exemptions of admission fee in Sep. 2017 and tuition for the second half of 2017 / (再掲)平成29年度9月入学者入学料免除及び後期分授業料免除
Regarding the changing to the new bldg.’s classroom.
NOTICE: Tuition Payment for the autumn semester AY2017 / 授業料預金口座振替手続きをされている皆さんへ
NOTICE: Announcement of graduates on 31 August and 15 September, 2017
NOTICE: Closing and moving schedule of the Graduate School Office / 窓口業務の休止及び窓口の移転について
NOTICE: Closing and moving schedule of the Graduate School Office / 窓口業務の休止及び窓口の移転について
NOTICE: To students who have been hit by the heavy rains in North Kyusyu / 九州北部豪雨災害で被災した世帯の学生の皆さんへ