November 30, 2017
Maximum amount of credits
Maximum amount of credits
NOTICE: Construction in the Administration Bureau Bldg. 2 from 11 to 13 Dec. / 第2本部棟内での工事(12月11日-13日)のお知らせ
Scholarship: 「トビタテ!留学JAPAN」日本代表プログラム第9期説明会について* Japanese nationality required.
TA for “UTokyo/ANU Exchange” Deadline extended. Apply now!
Scholarship: 研究助成の公募について 〈生涯学習開発財団〉
Scholarship: 2018 UTokyo – TOYOTA Study Abroad Scholarship for the study and reseach in the field of Artifical Intelligence / 東京大学トヨタ高度人工知能人材育成のための海外留学奨学金 2018年度奨学生の募集について
Remind: Invitation to Lunch by Dean – “Meet our first year students ! “
A1A2「Case Study (Cybersecurity: Critical Infrastructure Protection)」(5140079)
Sciences Po & GraSPP Joint Talk Event “Social progress and economic performance in Europe”<Venue change>
Lexis Advanceデータベース講習会開催のお知らせ