公共政策大学院リサーチセミナーシリーズの一環として、2018年10月23日にデイヴィッド・エリス在日英国首席公使とジェイムス・ハーディ英外務・英連邦省上級分析官をお招きして”Britain, Japan and the future of Asia-Pacific security”の講演を開催しました。詳細内容に関しては英語ページをご確認ください。
日時: 2018年10月23日(火)12:20–13:50
場所: 国際学術総合研究棟4F SMBCアカデミアホール MAP
講演者:Dr. David Ellis, Minister and Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy Tokyo
Mr. James Hardy, Senior Research Analyst, Japan and East Asia, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom
言語: 英語
定員: 80名
主催: GraSPPリサーチセミナー
登録:必須 参加をご希望の場合はこちらよりご登録をお願いいたします。
The Asia-Pacific region is increasingly viewed by the West as the next inevitable power-house, both in terms of military/security issues and economic prosperity. This seminar provides perspectives on current and emerging trends in UK-Japan relations and how the two countries view the future of Asia-Pacific security. The view of a practitioner at the British Embassy Tokyo is presented in combination with a macro-level analysis of regional trends from a UK perspective at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London.
Dr Ellis took on the role of Minister and Deputy Head of Mission on 1 August 2016. He is responsible for advancing UK-Japan relations on political and security issues. He also oversees the consular and visa operations as well the Embassy’s corporate operations.
2011 – 2015 Minister-Counsellor (Political), British Embassy Beijing. Responsibilities included leading political teams covering Chinese domestic politics, human rights, and foreign and security policy.
James Hardy is the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s senior research analyst on Japan and east Asian security affairs. Mr. Hardy focuses on regional security issues and arrangements, alliance networks, and military capabilities; he is also particularly interested in Japan’s evolving security and defence policies and its domestic political arrangements. Before joining the FCO, he worked as Asia-Pacific Editor for Jane’s Defence Weekly, and was a staff writer for The Yomiuri Shimbun in Tokyo.