Environmental Law


H. Koketsu
M. Koyano


This lecture aims to let the students to obtain elementary knowledge of the whole environmental law. First we will give an outline of the legal systems and explain some legal theories. Then we will make an effort to weave into our lecture some related topics which arise in various disciplines of learning, including natural sciences. In spite of the weight which will be given to the explanation of the domestic law, especially the domestic public law, it is strongly desired to get some knowledge of the elements of the international law, for example the relation between environmental problems and the international law, some important principles in this discipline, the structure of the principal international treaties which lay the foundation for the domestic environmental law, and so on. We are urgently required to consider an international treaty and a specific domestic law as a set, when we tackle with the environmental problems. You can grasp the meaning at once, if only you bear in mind the case of wetlands preservation. In this field, as a member state of the so-called Ramsar Convention, Japan is obliged to conserve wetlands through its own legal system. Still more we are confronted with the global environmental problems which spread out over the boundary between countries, such as the climate change and the destruction of the ozone layer. In order to come to clear understanding of the domestic environmental law, it is absolutely necessary to give your mind to elementary knowledge of the international environmental law.

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