Industrial Technology Focused on Energyand Environment Technology


Morokuzu, Muneo and Suzuki, Tatsujiro


Winter Semester; Tue.; Time slot #4


Given rapid energy demand growth and global environmental concern, it is vital for Japan to come up with comprehensive energy/environmental technology policies. In this course, we will learn broad background and history of energy/environmental issues, and then discuss various important technology options to cope with global energy and environmental issues. In particular, we focus on industrial technologies rather than laboratory scale ones, and we invite key engineers, policy makers, and business managers from the industrial frontline. The lectures will be based on industrial and practical experiences and specific current issues will be chosen. The basic outline of the course will be the following:
1. History and Overview of energy issues (oil peak theory, past energy crisis, environmental issues)
2. New energy technologies in Japan (nuclear, coal, renewable, energy efficiency, etc.)
3. Industrial Technology Management (Quality control, system engineering etc.)
4. R&D, D plan and public policy ("death valley" theory and diffusion policy, technology transfer, etc.)
5. Energy technologies and social/political issues (nuclear power & non-proliferation, energy security and resource diplomacy etc.)
We will also provide an opportunity for site visit after listening to requests from the students.

Course materials




Other resources