Bulletin Board for Current Students


Extended Deadline for Applications -- EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY CONFERENCE 2013

'Breaking the Cycle: Rethinking Poverty in the Developed World'

The Hertie School of Governance are delighted to invite you to the 5th European Publicy Conference, which will take place in Paris from April 18th-20th at the E'cole des hautes e'tudes en sciences sociales (EHESS). The conference brings together graduate students from leading policy schools in the Global Public Policy Network and beyond, to discuss pressing policy issues with fellow students, political leaders, and scholars.

The deadline for applications is now extended to March 13th - please see the Call for Applications attached. Cash prizes will be awarded for the IPLI Best Paper Award as well as the best student presentations at the conference.

The conference Breaking the Cycle: Rethinking Poverty in the Developed World is a timely response to the problems faced by the most vulnerable in society. The austerity measures, adopted in the wake of the financial crisis, continue to push an ever-greater number into poverty whilst worsening the predicament of those already in need. The conference aims to address this most pressing challenge, which we continue to face in the 21st century.

A number of interesting scholars and practitioners are already confirmed to join the conference - please see the list of speaker profiles attached for a complete overview of confirmed speakers.

Please make sure to check their website eppconference.com or like their on Facebook for updates on speakers and further information.

Please don't hesitate to contact the Centre for Cultural Policy (culture@hertie-school.org or +49 (0)30 / 259 219 146) if you have any further questions.

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