Bulletin Board for Current Students


APEC Voices of the Future 2014参加者募集/APEC Voices of the Future 2014 in Beijing

※ Please note the conference will be required Japanese nationality and under 25 years of age.



日時:2014年11月5日(水)~11日(火)(TBC)場所・中国・北京市雁栖湖 オリンピックスタジアム周辺
11/5 Orientation(Day1)
11/6 APEC Voices(Day2)
11/7 Cultural Experience(Day3)
11/8 APEC Voices(Day4)
11/9-10 APEC CEO Summit & Closing Ceremony(Day5-6)
11/11 Departure(Day7)
*Tentative and subject to change.

1.応募人数: 5名程度

a) 18歳から25歳までの日本国籍を有する者
b) 応募、及び派遣時点において、東京大学大学院公共政策学教育部に在学していること
c) 次に挙げるトピックに深い関心があり、他参加者との英語での討議に積極的に参加できる者
-International Relations
-Trade and Economy
d) 過去に国際会議への参加経験や社会・公共機関においての活動経歴を有する者
e) 21カ国、総勢130名以上の参加する国際会議にて、東京大学および日本の代表として強い意志を持ち積極的に参加する意欲のある者


a) 登録フォーム(指定様式有)
b) CV


4.応募締切: 7月31日(木 )正午まで(厳守)


参加費950USドル(1名)および参加旅費の補助として一律5万円[Wユ1] を参加補助金として当国際化推進プログラム寄付金より支給する。(北京大学に留学中の学生に関しては支給無し)



~APEC Voices of the Future~

-Introduction of Voices Program

APEC Voices of the Future is an annual program (since 1998) which allows special teams of students and educators from the 21 APEC Economies to attend the fall APEC Summit. Working and learning together, the voices team shares their views on the APEC vision with the APEC leaders, Senior Officials, ABAC Members and CEOs. By their participation in the APEC process, the Voices delegates connect one of the world's most important conversations for cooperation and prosperity to the classrooms and communities of the Pacific Rim.

-Objectives of Voices of the Future Program

a. Provide a platform for interaction and networking for youths from the APEC 21 Economies to encourage mutual understanding and cooperation;
b. Encourage the active participation of young people on APEC-related issues and policies; and
c. Provide learning opportunities for youth to interact with APEC leaders and business leaders.

-Summary of Program(tentative)

In the first part of the programme, the APEC Voices Delegates will participate in the APEC Voices of the Future Forum to discuss various business, economic and international issues. There will also be keynote addresses, plenary sessions and community/cultural events scheduled for the participating delegates. In the 2nd part of the programme, delegates will be able to interact and attend sessions at the APEC CEO Summit 2014. At the CEO Summit, delegates will be able to attend (by rotation) the APEC CEO Summit Sessions held by Economic and Business Leaders.

Related Resources

  • APEC VOF Report 2013・募集要項・登録フォーム(GraSPP)(ZIP, 1.87 MB
Current Students