Bulletin Board for Current Students


NOTICE: Measures for the case of overlapped examination schedule between Faculty of Economics and other faculties

Notice from the Faculty of Economics as follows.

The final exam might be replaced to a supplementary exam or a term paper, only for students other than the Faculty of Economics, in case of overlapped examination schedule, in spite of the fact that the class schedules are not overlapped. Applicable students should make a documents such as below and submit it together with a copy of courses registered to Undergraduate Office of the Faculty of Economics by Thursday, December 25.

My name is XX(your name), student of Faculty/Graduate School of XX(your affiliation), student No. XXXXXXXX, and I am taking the course "(course title)" of Faculty of XX(course affiliation) which is held every XX(day), from (start time) to (end time). The final exam of this course will be held from (start time) to (end time) on XX(date), and this schedule overlaps the exam of "(course title)" of the Faculty of Economics.
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他学部科目と経済学部科目の講義時間が重複していないにもかかわらず、定期試験の時間が重複した他学部生と他学部進学内定者の場合に限って、 定期試験を追試験もしくはリポートに代えることができる。但し、当該学生は、下記のような文書を作成し、履修登録確認表と一緒に、 12月25日(木)までに経済学部教務係に提出しなければならない。

○学部、学生証番号○○○○、氏名○○○○は、○曜日○時○分~○時○分に行われる○○学部の講義「○○○」の履修登録をしています。 また、当該科目の試験は○月○日○時○分~○時○分に実施され、他学部履修をしている経済学部科目の「○○」と試験時間が重複しております。

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