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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

【Guest Speaker Seminar】”Overseas Infrastructure Finance—Roles of the Private Sector” by Mr. Akihiro Tanaka, Senior Manager for Project Finance Office, Hitachi, Ltd. 2017年05月17日(水)

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Open to all current students!

In conjunction with Case Study (Public-Private Partnerships)
“Overseas Infrastructure Finance—Roles of the Private Sector”
by Mr. Akihiro Tanaka, Senior Manager for Project Finance Office, Hitachi, Ltd.
Facilitator: Prof. Toshiro Nishizawa

Date & time: 18:45-20:30 | Monday, June 12, 2017

Venue: Seminar Room 3 (Room 710), 7th Fl. Administration Bureau Building 2

About the speaker: Mr. Akihiro Tanaka is Senior Manager for Project Finance Office, Hitachi, Ltd.  At Hitachi, he supports financial arrangement for overseas infrastructure projects in such sectors as water, healthcare, railways and power.
Prior to joining Hitachi in October 2013, he worked for the World Bank Group (IBRD, IDA, IFC, MIGA, ICSID) for more than ten years. Mr. Tanaka has contributed to IDA’s capital replenishment negotiations with the shareholders and enhanced partnerships with donors and partners in IFC’s Advisory Services operations for private sector development in emerging countries. He started his career at the Export-Import Bank of Japan (currently Japan Bank for International Cooperation or JBIC) in 1992. As a loan officer, he took the lead in lending operations for Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Philippines, Turkey and  Turkmenistan.
He holds an M.Phil. in development studies from University of Cambridge and a bachelor’s degree in economics from Waseda University.
