Guest Speaker Seminar: 「伊勢志摩サミットと日本外交」(外務省長嶺安政外務審議官)
Guest Speaker Seminar: 「伊勢志摩サミットと日本外交」(外務省長嶺安政外務審議官)
Guest Speaker Seminar: Dealing with Natural Resources Management in Laos (Dr. Phouphet Kyophilavong, Associate Professor and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Management, National University of Laos)
Guest Speaker Seminar: PPPs to Asian infrastructure–lender’s perspective (Mr. Hideto Shimonishi, Chief of Project Coordination Office, MLIT)
Guest Speaker Seminar: Developing Local Currency Bond Markets in Asia (Mr. Takahiro Tsuda, Senior Deputy Director, International Organizations Division International Bureau, MOF)
Guest Speaker Seminar: Expanding Japan’s Global Infrastructure Business (Ms. Rie Kishida, Director for Global Market Development, MLIT)