


また、北京大学国際関係学院(SIS PKU)、ソウル大学校国際大学院(GSIS SNU)との間で交換留学に関する覚書をそれぞれ締結しました。両校との交換留学は2012年度より開始されます。


GraSPP has recently concluded a Memorandum on Double Degree Program(DD) with SciencesPo Paris and a Memorandum on Student Exchange with the School of International Studies at Peking University (SIS PKU) and the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University (GSIS SNU).

The DD with SciencesPo will be GraSPP's third DD program starting October 2012.

The student exchange with SIS PKU and GSIS SNU will start in the academic year 2012 by receiving SNU students in April.

GraSPP encourages applications from students of Japanese nationality who are interested in studying one semester in Seoul and another in Beijing. Check on the GraSPP website for further announcements.

at SciencesPo Paris

at the School of International Studies at Peking University

at he Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University
