Bulletin Board for Current Students


Guest Speaker Seminar from UCSD, Prof. Ulrike Schaede

Guest Speaker Seminar,
"Show Me the money: A View from Abroad on Japan's Most Profitable Companies", by Prof. Ulrike Schaede

Date & Time: 13:00-14:30, Monday, November 25, 2013
Venue: Room Ad3, Administration Bureau Bldg. 2, Hongo Campus
- Access Map (PDF, 136 KB)
- Campus Map (JPN)
Facilitator: Prof. Toshiro Nishizawa
Language: English (no interpreter provided)

Please submit the registration form from the link or the QR code below.

Seminar Registration Form

Seminar Abstract:
The most interesting and profitable Japanese companies are no longer those that mass-produce high quality consumer end products. In their stead, leadership in technology and success in terms of profitability have shifted to companies that excel in input components and materials, but many of these companies are largely unknown. Prof. Schaede explores a set of manufacturing companies that are among the most profitable in Japan, and analyzes their management practices.

Contents of the day:
1) Seminar on Japanese economy
2) Information on exchange program with UCSD
The seminar will be followed by an information/ presentation on the exchange program with UCSD. For those who is interested in studying at UCSD, we encourage to stay the latter part as well.

Short Biography:
Ulrike Schaede is Professor of Japanese Business at the University of California, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IR/PS). She studies Japan's corporate strategy, business organization, management, financial markets, and government-business relations. Her book Choose and Focus: Japanese Business Strategies for the 21st Century (Cornell UP, 2008) explains the strategic inflection point of the early 2000s, when Japan's business architecture began to change. Her current research concerns the management practices of "New Japan" companies that have assumed global supply chain leadership in materials and components. She also works on corporate restructuring, changing human resources practices, regulation, and entrepreneurship in Japan. She holds an M.A. from Bonn University, and a PhD from the Philipps-Universta"t in Marburg, Germany. She is trilingual and has spent a total of more than eight years of research and study in Japan. She has been a visiting scholar at the research institutes of the Bank of Japan, Japan's Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Development Bank of Japan.

Profile of Prof. Ulrike Schaede, at UCSD/IRPS

Poster (PDF, 182 KB)
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