Bulletin Board for Current Students


Sciences Po. Summer Program 2014

Dear GraSPP students,

If you are planning and wondering how to spend your summer worthwhile, here is one of the option for you.
Please find an invitation for Sciences Po. Summer Program 2014 from Sciences Po as below.
If you are interested, please contact Ms. Azuelos or the Summer School Team (summer.school@sciencespo.fr) directly.

GraSPP International Affairs Team:

Dear GraSPP students,

We are very pleased to inform you our new summer program and attached, please find the Summer School's NEW twenty-six page programme brochure. This in-depth communication document highlights the main attractions of our Summer School, including:

  • A rich pedagogical programme containing:
    • More than 40 hours of classes and tutorials in French language
    • A focus on social sciences with classes in international affairs and history
    • An initiation to Sciences Po's methodology and that of French higher education in general
    • A differentiated program with specific classes for beginners and advanced students alike, featuring small class sizes and even smaller group tutorials
  • A new partnership that is being finalized with the Alliance Francaise Ile-de-France which will allow those students who so choose to pass the official tests for the DELF and DALF French language exams. This exciting collaboration was created in response to the needs that we've heard from our many university partners for an official test to recognize our students' language acquisition over the course of the summer.
  • An opportunity for international students from the world over todiscover Sciences Po and spend four weeks at our campus in the heart of Paris, with the possibility of housing at Paris' Cite Universitaire Internationale de Paris.

I, along with the Summer School team (in copy on this email), remain at your disposal if you or your students have any questions about this exciting opportunity.

Kind regards,

Marie Azuelos
International Affairs Manager
Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, Korea

Current Students