Bulletin Board for Current Students



* アブストラクト提出締切が延長されました。(2015-10-14)
* アブストラクトの提出先メールアドレスが変更になりました。(2015-10-08)

この学生会議では、GPPNに加盟する7校(コロンビア大学国際公共政策大学院(ニューヨーク)、ジェトリオ・ヴァルガス財団サンパウロ・ビジネススクール(FGV-EAESP)(サンパウロ)、 ヘルティ・スクール・オブ・ガバナンス(ベルリン)、シンガポール国立大学リー・クアン・ユー公共政策大学院(シンガポール)、ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス(ロンドン)、 パリ政治学院(パリ)、東京大学公共政策大学院(東京))の学生および教員を招待し、今日の公共政策立案における課題についての研究成果を報告および討論します。 また、種々のイベントを通して学生および教員の交流を深め、将来のリーダー同士のネットワークを構築する機会も設けられています。


  • 応募要項・コンセプトペーパー(PDF, 403 KB
アブストラクト提出締切:10月19日(月)18時(BRT) *updated
Submit to:gppn2015@fgv.br
(Cc: intl_application@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

連絡先:GraSPP International Affairs Office (intl_application@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

Related Resources

CALL FOR PAPERS! GPPN Student Conference 2015 hosted by FGV-EAESP, Sao Paulo

The abstract submission deadline has been extended.(2015-10-14)
The e-mail address that an abstract should be sumitted to has been changed.(2015-10-08)

You are invited to participate in the annual GPPN Student Conference hosted by FGV-EAESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil on 4th and 5th of December, 2015.

At the GPPN Student Conference, students from partner schools are invited to present and discuss papers, apart from establishing a network of future leaders.

The participant schools are: Fundacao Getulio Vargas, The Hertie School of Governance, The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, The London School of Economics, Sciences Po, Columbia University, and the University of Tokyo.
For the details, please find the following application guideline.

Date:Friday, 4th and Saturday, 5th December, 2015
Abstract submission deadline:6pm (BRT), Monday, 19th October *updated
Submit to:gppn2015@fgv.br
(Cc: intl_application@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

October 20th: response on abstracts selected, information on the next steps
November 20th: final paper submission (7,000 words) – Selected candidates only

Eligibility: Must be a student who is currently enrolled in GraSPP (exchange students are also welcome to apply)

Financial Support: For the selected presenters, a flat amount of JPY150,000 will be covered by GraSPP as subsidies for the travel expenses. *The grant will be given as reimbursement after your return. You must submit your flight ticket stubs and a report within 1 week after the conference.

Contact:GraSPP International Affairs Office (intl_application@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

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Current Students