LKY-GraSPP Day 2012

Event Report

Takahiro Murozono

The LKY-GraSPP Day 2012 was held at the University of Tokyo Hongo Campus on Saturday 18th February 2012. A total of 100 over students, about 50 students each from the Graduate School of Public Policy of the University of Tokyo(GraSPP) and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy(LKY), participated in this big conference which provided participants from various backgrounds the opportunity to exchange views and foster friendships.

The LKY-GraSPP Day, which was themed “The policy challenges the next Asian leaders face”, saw students and professors exchanged views on the issues that Japan is facing today such as declining birth rate, aging society and population policy etc. Participants shared a wide range of unique views on these policy challenges in which they also share in common, as most Asian countries including Singapore will likely face such similar social problems in future.

I participated as one of the organizers from GraSPP for the LKY-GraSPP Day this year. It was a very stimulating program, thanks to the active discussions among the participants. The Conference commenced with the introduction of GraSPP and keynote lecture by former Dean of GraSPP, Professor Morita, followed by guest speaker Mr. Nishizawa, Deputy Director of the Ministry of of Health, Labour and Welfare, who delivered his speech on aging society issues faced by Japan. Mr. Nishizawa said that the sustainability of social security systems such as national pension will face great challenges along with demographic changes, and shared in depth on the need and direction of policy responses.

Next, the participants were split into discussion groups of 6 members where each of these groups represented one Asian country (for e.g. China) and were given the country's demographic data such as population pyramids. They were then tasked to consider the challenges that the country will face in the long run and propose policy measures to address these foreseen issues. The Conference was filled with enthusiasm as participants engaged in lively discussions and unique presentations, which created a sense of unity. Following which, 6 students from each university presented their researches on the issues related to the Conference theme and exchanged views at a deeper level with the participants.

Today Asia, in particular East Asia, is the center of the world's economic growth and the 21st century is said to be “the century of Asia”. Through this Conference, students of both LKY and GraSPP gained a rare and wonderful opportunity for intellectual interaction with the future young leaders of Asia. I strongly felt that the Conference was a day which reflected the frontline of the many difficulties and dilemmas that Asia countries are facing along as Asia continues to grow.



2012年2月18日土曜日、東京大学本郷キャンパスにおいて行われたLKY-GraSPP Day 2012は、リー・クアン・ユー公共政策大学院(LKY)、東京大学公共政策大学院(GraSPP)双方よりそれぞれ約50名、計100名程が参加する大規模なカンファレンスとなり、多様なバックグラウンドを有する参加者同士で交流を深める機会となりました。

今回のLKY-GraSPP Dayにおいては、メインテーマを「これからのアジアが直面する政策課題について」とし、その中でも少子高齢化・人口問題といった日本の経験を題材にしながら、教授、学生から様々な意見が交換されました。これらの社会問題は、シンガポールを始めアジア諸国もまたこれから直面するであろう、共通した政策上の課題であり、参加者もそれぞれ独自の視点を持って議論を行いました。

私はGraSPP側の企画者の一人として今回のLKY-GraSPP Dayに携わりましたが、特に学生間の意見交流が活発に行われる、刺激的なプログラムとなりました。当日は、GraSPPの紹介を含む基調講演を公共政策大学院の森田教授、またゲストレクチャーを厚生労働省の西澤課長補佐よりいただき、日本が抱える高齢化のもたらす問題が明確にされました。特に人口構造の変化に伴い年金を始めとする社会保障制度の持続可能性が大きな問題として言及され、政策的対応の必要性と方向性について詳しいお話がありました。



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