Campus Asia Student Workshop in Seoul & Beijingの概要報告を掲載しました

3月9日と3月12日、東京大学の学生11名がソウル大学と北京大学で行われたワークショップに参加しました。ソウル大学でのワークショップでは約30名、北京大学では約20名の学生が参加し、交流を深めることが出来ました。CAMPUS Asia パイロットプログラムとして良いスタートを切ることが出来ました。

On March 9th and March 12th, 11 students from the University of Tokyo joined the CAMPUS Asia Student Workshop at GSIS, Seoul National University and SIS, Peking University.

There were about 30 participants at Seoul National University and 20 participants at Peking University. We are very pleased to report you that strong friendship between the three schools, as well as among the students, have built firmly. It was such a wonderful event to start out the CAMPUS Asia Program, and we look forward to this students exchange program among the three schools in Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo.


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