Internship report (GR JAPAN K.K.)

- TOKYO double-degree
- 2015.10From: SEOUL
- Ahram Han
Q. Please briefly describe what you did.
A. I was working at GR Japan K.K. which is the government relations and public affairs firm in Nagata-cho, Tokyo. They offer a full range of government relations and related services, from policy and issue monitoring, stakeholder mapping and in-depth intelligence, to stakeholder outreach, advocacy and public affairs campaigns. I was participating several projects directly for managing director and communication manager, such as making presentation slides, doing research, translating works etc.
Q. What did you learn most?
A. Before working at GR Japan, I had no idea how the private company relates to public affairs and how they produce profits for another private company. After internship for a month, I was able to cultivate my research skill and analyze all the materials in private and public field at the same time. Besides, I was able to use my Japanese and English skills for them. The best thing (good point) was all the works are closely related to my academic interest and skills that I’ve learned throughout both graduate school in Seoul National University and University of Tokyo.