CAMPUS Asia Report

- OVERVIEW double-degree
- 2019.08From: BEIJING
- Ruoxin Wang
I applied CAMPUS Asia program out of my interest in the relations of our three nations and the field of public policy. As my one-year study in GraSPP came to the end, I would say it was a very fruitful and enjoyable journey.
The curriculum consists of political, law and economic classes which provided multidisciplinary approaches to understand and analyze the hot issues. For example, there are three different Microeconomic classes from beginner to advanced level. Even without much economic background, I could have the opportunity to learn basic economic analysis tools. What’s more, the faculty of GraSPP is combined with academics and policy practitioners, from whom I can learn not only intellectual foundations but also the professional knowledge and experience. There are plenty of case study courses which are very practical and strongly related to real world. I took a newly launched course on case writing for SDGs, where we worked in group to identify and write real world case by ourselves. My teammate Tenu, who is also from CAMPUS Asia program and I actually conducted an interview with the head of a Japanese education company. This kind of experience was really new to me.
The atmosphere of GraSPP is very diverse and international. Students coming from different cultural and educational backgrounds friendly communicate and share their views which is so inspiring. Through the teamwork and discussions, I learnt a lot from my brilliant friends in and out of CAMPUS Asia program. And I also released how diverse people’s view and focus can be and how important it is to be open-minded and to embrace the diversity.
Life in Tokyo is really convenient and there are always so much to see and to do. I love the various exhibitions in museums and galleries all year around. Also, the administration staffs of GraSPP and UTokyo are super kind, efficient, and support me since the first day I got enrolled. From assigning us a tutor, giving detailed guidelines on registration work, to always answering our questions promptly, they really made my life smoother. Besides, thanks to the emails from International Student Support Room of UTokyo and International Student Adviser from GraSPP, I received information on unique cultural activities such as making okonomiyaki, watching bunraku performance and joining obon dance with local people.
I also got chance to travel to other parts of Japan with CAMPUS Asia friends in our spare time and during the study trips. For example, we visited Hiroshima with professors this year, which gave me precious opportunity to explore Japanese culture and society, and left me so many unforgettable memories.
I feel very grateful to be part of CAMPUS Asia family. I learnt as well as enjoyed so much through this program. I owe my sincerest thanks to all parties including the professors, administration staffs and students who contributed to this program.