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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

School life

Opening hours of GraSPP building

Building Opening Hours(2023.4.1)

Student discount for commuter pass

If you are a regular student or an exchange student, you can purchase your train pass to the university at a discounted rate. Please ask the railway company for more detail. The student certificate you need to show the railway company when you buy the pass will be distributed by the Graduate School Office at the Guidance for new students.

ICT systems at UTokyo

Career and employment support

The Career Support Office focuses on supporting career opportunities for UTokyo students, both Japanese and international, after graduation or completion of their studies. For more information please go to the Career Support Office window on the first floor of the north side of Yasuda Auditorium.

Center for Research on Counseling and Support Services

Center for Research on Counseling and Support Services is a place where you can come by and ask any kind of questions and consult about any topics you wish to discuss. It can also introduce you to an appropriate consultation organization within/outside the university that will give you suggestions about how to deal with problems you have. No reservation is needed.

Health Service Center

UTokyo Health Service Center provides free annual health checkups for all students. Health checkups for new students are scheduled at the Hongo campus in around May for April entries and in around October for September entries.
For students in 2nd year or above, annual health checkups are provided in May or June every year at the Hongo campus.

International Student Support Room, ISSR

ISSR provides various support online and also offers individual/private sessions to improve your situation. ISSR also gives you the opportunity to connect with the on/off-campus community so that you can deepen your understanding of Japan and Japanese society. We also help international students find career possibilities in Japan.

International Student Support Room (ISSR)

University of Tokyo CO-OP

The University of Tokyo Co-op is a non-profit organization commissioned by UTokyo to provide welfare, education, and research support for members of the University of Tokyo.
You can purchase the necessities of daily student life, such as books and personal items, at lower prices at the university Co-op on campus. Member students can receive a 10% discount for books and a 10% discount at CO-OP cafeterias. It is required to pay the deposit of 24,000 yen for a membership which will be paid back when you withdraw from the Co-op.

Gotenshita Memorial Arena

Students are eligible for a sports facility, “Gotenshita Memorial Arena,”on the Hongo campus. It has a gymnasium to play table tennis, badminton, futsal, volleyball, and basketball, a swimming pool, and  a training room with weight equipment and machines. The admission fee for a student is 400 yen per day.


The General Library is located at the Hongo Campus and has a collection of more than 1.3 million books and 22 thousand periodicals. Student ID is required to use the library. Upon your first use of the library, please register at the General Information Desk on the first floor.
