1. Process and Internal Rules for awarding a PhD degree
Please make sure of following points first. / 始めに以下の点を確認しておくこと。
(1) | 博士の学位審査に関する内規 / Internal Regulations for the Assessment and Award of Doctor of Philosophy (JP: 368KB), (EN: 147KB) |
(2) | 「博士の学位審査に関する内規」についての申合わせ事項 学生周知用(一部抜粋)/ Agreement on the Internal Regulations for the Assessment and Award of Doctor of Philosophy – excerpt for students – (JP: 236KB), (EN: 57KB) |
(3) | 博士課程修了までの流れ / Process of Award of Doctor of Philosophy (JP: 981KB), (EN: 731KB) |
(4) | Format for Proposal Review (as of 25 January, 2018) (45KB) |
2. Guidelines for Thesis submitted by PhD Candidates
Please make sure of rules and regulations related scientific research when writing theses. Students are requested to read carefully the following guidelines. / 論文執筆の際は下記ガイドライン等を熟読し、研究倫理について遺漏のないようにすること。
(1) | Guidelines for Thesis Submission <To be Implemented in AY2024> (JP: 642KB, Separate documents Zip 3MB) , (EN: 479KB , Separate documents Zip 3MB) |
(2) | Code of Conduct for Research(294KB) |
(3) | Guide for Doctorate Theses and Copyrights(1.32MB) |
(4) | Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers, Graduate School of Public Policy (JP: 517KB) , (EN: 124KB) |
<For reference> | |
(5) | Guidelines for Theses, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics (JP: 401KB) , (EN: 258KB) |
(6) | Guidelines for Theses, Graduate School of Economics (JP: 436KB) , (EN: 299KB) |
3. Documents to be Submitted for the Doctoral Thesis
Candidates who intend to obtain permission from their supervisor to conduct the Final Review should also prepare the following documents. / Final Reviewの実施について指導教員の許可を得ようとしている者は、下記の書類についても準備をしておくこと。
Please refer to the “Guidelines for Thesis Submission” above when submitting the following documents. / 下記の書類の提出に際しては上記の”Guidelines for Thesis Submission” を参照すること。
Items to be Submitted BEFORE the Final Review | |
(1) | Title of Doctoral Thesis / 論文題目届 (20KB) |
(2) | Doctoral Thesis : digital data / 論文の電子データ |
(3) | Thesis Summary : digital data / 論文の内容の要旨の電子データ_Format / 指定書式 (24KB) |
(4) | Résumé / 履歴書 (EN: 28KB) , (JP: 39KB) |
(5) | Thesis Table of Contents / 論文目録 (EN: 27KB) , (JP: 30KB) |
(6) | Statement of Commitment / 誓約書 (22KB) |
<Followings are documents to be submitted if applicable.> | |
(7) | Letter of Consent and Acceptance / 同意承諾書 (EN: 36KB) , (JP: 35KB) |
(8) | Reference Articles : digital data/ 参考論文の電子データ |
Items to be Submitted AFTER the Final Review | |
(1) | Doctoral thesis (Full version in a hardbound form) / 博士論文(本製本) |
(2) | Doctoral thesis (Full version in PDF format) / 博士論文(全文PDF) |
(3) | *Doctoral thesis (Abridged, in PDF format) / 博士論文(要約PDF) |
(4) | Printed front cover of Doctoral thesis / 博士論文(PDF)表紙_Sample / 例 (21KB) |
(5) | Checklist for Web-Based Publication of Doctoral Thesis / 博士論文のインターネット公表に関する確認票 (EN: 24KB) , (JP: 35KB) |
(6) | *Application for Publication of Thesis under Special Circumstances / 博士論文公表方法に関する特例申請書 (EN: 18KB) , (JP: 32KB) |
(7) | *Document explaining in detail the “unavoidable circumstances” /「やむを得ない事由」を具体的に説明する資料 |
(8) |
Letter of Authorization / 許諾書 (EN: 33KB) , (JP: 32KB) Appendix “Registration of Doctorate Thesis on the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global” / 別紙「ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Globalへの博士論文データの登載について」 (EN: 196KB) , (JP: 201KB) |
(9) | Letter of authorization for copy / 製本論文の使用に関する許諾書 (22KB) (English sample: 596KB) |
*Not required if your doctoral thesis will be full publication. / 全文公表の場合は不要。