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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo


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The Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) is a partnership between eight prestigious schools in public policy, including Columbia University, FGV EAESP, University of Tokyo, Hertie School of Governance, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Institute of Public Affairs at LSE and Sciences Po, Paris, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto. GPPN is global in two ways: the global spread of its members and its subject focus on emerging global trends in public policy.

GPPN is global in two ways: the global spread of its members and its subject focus on emerging global trends in public policy.

The mission of GPPN is to address the most pressing public policy challenges of the 21st century and, as a result, to have a policy impact, to be influential in public policy education and training, and to be innovative in teaching and research.

The guiding principles of the GPPN are to develop a network of schools with:

  • a commitment to and a proven track record of excellence in public policy research, education, and public dialogue with a global orientation;
  • a strong orientation towards public service that extends to the nongovernmental and private sectors as well as the public sector;
  • a firm foundation in the social sciences, which provides the basic analytical tools with which global public policy scholars and professionals seek to understand the world, address social problems, and design and evaluate policy interventions;
  • a strong emphasis on substantive policy knowledge and the link between evidence and policymaking that goes beyond general and technocratic training;
  • a strong global orientation that recognizes the ways in which policymaking crosses national boundaries and is shaped by an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.

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