My one-year experience in Tokyo has nurtured me both academically and personally. In the autumn semester, I participated in the GraSPP Policy Challenge with CAMPUS Asia colleagues. I was grouped with two students from PKU and one student from UTokyo to tackle global social issues. Our group focused on the inequality of opportunities among low-skilled workers in Japan and took advantage by conducting a comparative analysis with cases in South Korea and China. We grasped a better understanding of each other’s countries by discussing common social issues in CJK and could envision our future in East Asia by agonizing solutions together. In the spring semester, the CAMPUS Asia course was taught online due to the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. Although initial confusion was inevitable, kind guidance from the school and program was very helpful. Thanks to the program’s support and commitment, I could still learn from professors of three institutions on diverse topics and have meaningful discussions with colleagues and professors.
Another privilege during my study in Tokyo was the internship opportunity. I was lucky enough to be selected as an intern at the Asian Development Bank Institute to work under the capacity-building team. I assisted in projects and research while I could sense working experiences at a prestigious think tank and collaborating with international organizations and experts. Thus, it was a valuable experience to broaden my horizons and grow my international caliber.
Finally, yet importantly, I would like to thank all faculties and staffs who make this wonderful program possible amid uncertain times. This spring semester was especially a muddle due to an unexpected outbreak of the virus from China, in which courses were taught online and the field trip was canceled. Personally, I felt unfortunate to miss the opportunity to interact in person and to travel to many wonderful places. However, I am relieved to successfully completed the program and graduated under excellent management and commitment from Todai’s CAMPUS Asia program. In the end, I appreciate all the support and wish all the best to everyone.