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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPPers Voice

My exchange Studies in Japan

Tianai CAO (from China)

At the very beginning of this report, I would like to express my gratitude to GrasPP for providing me this great opportunity to study at UTokyo. For me, my exchange semester in Tokyo is a remarkable experience because my life experience is enriched and my knowledge scope was enlarged.

    I was benefits a lot from the courses that I took in GrasPP. The teaching methods and environments were relatively similar to my home university and I got accustomed to the study environment really well. The courses further expanded my knowledge and skills, which are useful for my Master thesis. GrasPP is an international student community, where I got opportunities to make friends with student from all over the world, especially from Japan. Studying with local students not only help me improve my Japanese language skills, but only deepened my understanding of Japanese culture. I also found the Japanese languages course provided by Japanese language center sufficient. Apart from the courses I took, I attended several extra-curricular activities as well, including events organized by GrasPP students and job hunting orientations. It is really difficult to choose just a few highlights from my time here.

   Tokyo is a fascinating city and amazed me by its unique culture and lifestyle. What attracted me the most are museums and galleries. I spent the majority of my spare time admiring Japanese art works and architecture. I also paid visited to other Japanese cities such as Kyoto. Before this exchange program, I did a lot of research on Kyo-yaki and Machiya house. In Japan, I explored more about Japanese porcelains and architecture. Together with my Chinese friends, we updated our videos and blogs on social media and various channels to introduce Japanese culture to Chinese audiences. Even though I have studied overseas for many years, it is first time that I participate in cultural communication by using media platforms.

   My time in UTokyo is ending but I know it is not yet the end. For all people I have met here, each of them has some positive impact on me. I am willing to study i Japan again and share my experience with people who are interested in Japan.