5123264 Asia’s Geoeconomic Landscapes and Public Policy II (a capstone project course)
Please see ITC-LMS for an updated syllabus.
This course has three overarching objectives. First, it helps students deepen their understanding of Asia’s geoeconomic landscapes. Second, it familiarizes students with multiple perspectives to interpret the recent episodes and helps them formulate their views of the future. Third, it inspires students to reflect on the role of public policy in addressing Asia’s geoeconomic challenges.
As a practical training course with an active learning approach, students work in teams under the instructors’ guidance, with their deliverables to be reviewed by and submitted to the client—Bain & Company—as if the students run a real-world consulting project. The consulting assignment is to produce a consulting report to assist a given Japanese company in developing a renewed business strategy in Asia’s geoeconomic reality and evaluate the government policies.
The course also serves as hands-on training for professional writing and communication. In this way, the course aims to prepare students for future professional positions addressing various geoeconomic challenges in the public and private sectors.