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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

[採用情報] IMF本部 リサーチオフィサー 2024年04月09日(火)

締切日/開催日 2024年04月20日(土)

現在、IMFの調査局では、リサーチオフィサーの募集を行っています。以下のJob descriptionにも記載の通り、Ph.D.に進む前にリサーチの経験を得たい学生の方などに有益な機会になるのではないかと考えています。詳細は、以下のリンクから募集要項をご確認ください。

Careers ( <—RESSI_24-R6508>

ご関心をお持ちの方、詳しく知りたいという方は、IMF日本理事室( <> )までご連絡いただければ、調査局に所属する日本人職員の方等をご紹介させていただくことも可能です。

Job description

The Systemic Issues Division at the International Monetary Fund (IMF)s Research Department seeks a dynamic and highly motivated Research Officer with strong quantitative and analytical skills. The candidate is expected to start in the summer of 2024. The position is an excellent opportunity for individuals looking to gain hands-on experience in economic research before going into a Ph D program.

The selected candidate will work on a range of international/macro-focused projects (e.g., sovereign debt surges, fiscal policy, international trade and supply chain issues, and capital-account policies). S/he will demonstrate excellent data management and analysis skills as well as advanced understanding of macroeconomics and finance. The RO should already have or be able to quickly develop the ability to work with the various commonly-used sources of financial information and data used in the IMF, as well as to perform advanced statistical and modeling work.