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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Call for participants in ADBI Workshop 2024年05月28日(火)

締切日/開催日 2024年06月03日(月)

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Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is kindly asking GraSPP to nominate up to five students as participants in the virtual workshop “Dispute Resolution in Major Industrial Projects Involving State Parties” on June 12-13, organized in association with the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies (CNRS) in France, University of Oxford and SASTRA Deemed University in India.
If you are interested in the workshop, please read the attached program document and apply for nomination by completing the Google form by noon on Monday, June 3.

The nomination result will be communicated to applicants on Tuesday, June 4.
If you have inquiries, please contact Prof. Toshiro Nishizawa (tnishizawa<at> or Ms. Vaishnavi Thakur (CBT Associate: vthakur<at> Please replace <at> with @.