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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPP Research Seminar/ “UN Sanctions and the DPRK“ Mr. Alastair Morgan, CMG  2019年10月04日(金)

GraSPP Research Seminar 


Title: UN Sanctions and the DPRK

Speaker: Mr. Alastair Morgan, CMG; Coordinator of the UN Panel of Experts on DPRK sanctions and formerly Her Majesty’s Ambassador Pyongyang, 2015-2018

Hosted by: The University of Tokyo GraSPP Research Seminar, the University of Tokyo

Date: Friday, October 04 2019

Time: 10:30-12:00

Venue: SMBC Academia Hall, 4F International Academic Research Building, the University of Tokyo (map) 

Language: English

Registration: Needed. Please register from here.



In this talk, Alastair Morgan, Coordinator of the UN Panel of Experts on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and former UK Ambassador to the DPRK, will introduce the UN sanctions regime on the DPRK and its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and ballistic missile programmes. He will outline the role and work of the UN DPRK Sanctions Panel of Experts which he coordinates, including the findings in the Panel’s most recently published report. He will in particular stress the importance of effective national implementation of sanctions and of international collaboration on monitoring and enforcement, while analyzing the challenges in achieving an optimal level of international collaboration. Further, he will address the implications of the DPRK’s illicit programmes for security on the Korean Peninsula, in the region and beyond, and the state of diplomatic efforts to achieve verifiable denuclearization of the DPRK. Alastair will also draw on his previous experience as British Ambassador in Pyongyang for three years from 2015 to 2018, observing the DPRK from inside the country.


Speaker’s biography:

Alastair Morgan

アラスター モーガン


ケンブリッジ大学トリニティカレッジ 英文学部卒

1983年~1985年 学習院大学 英言語学・英文学講師

1985年 英国通商産業省に入省

1991年~1996年 駐日英国大使館 貿易政策部 一等書記官

2001年~2002年 日本の通商産業省に出向

2002年~2006年 駐日英国大使館 貿易政策部参事官・投資部長

20073月~201012月 駐中国英国大使館 商務部参事官・対英投資部長

201012月~201412月 駐中国広州英国総領事館 総領事

2015年 ロンドンにて韓国語研修

201512月~201812月 駐朝英国大使就任

2019 5月 英国外務省退職

                     国連安保理北朝鮮制裁委員会 専門家パネル委員 コーディネーター 就任
