社会人講座「政府職員/ジャーナリスト/ソーシャルメデイア・プロフェッショナルのための戦略的コミュニケーションの理論と実践 ― 概念から応用へ」受講者募集
社会人講座「政府職員/ジャーナリスト/ソーシャルメデイア・プロフェッショナルのための戦略的コミュニケーションの理論と実践 ― 概念から応用へ」受講者募集
A Year of Elections: From the Strategic Communications Perspective
The Modern Information Environment as a Pivotal Element in National Security: Navigating the Challenges and Seizing Opportunities
Europe whole and free – a work in progress and a gain for the world: Perspective from Latvia
Linking Ukraine and the Indo-Pacific: Maintaining Global Unity
A special issue on ‘Strategic Ambiguity’, co-organized by SCERU, was published in Defence Strategic Communications, the official academic journal of the NATO StratCom COE, Vol. 12 (Spring 2023)
The Evolution of the Strategic EU
G7 in Hiroshima: A Policymaker’s Assessment
SCERU uploaded a video of the seminar “Ukraine’s Strategic Communications: Can words overcome weapons?”