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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

授業科目 2017年度版


Courses offered by the GraSPP faculty are listed by the following groups: basic, topics, practical training, case studies, research paper, and research thesis. Courses in the basic and topics categories are also classified by three subject areas: law, political science, and economics. Please note that selected courses in basic, topics, case studies categories may be cross-listed as practical training courses.

  • Class Schedule for AY2017
   ・S1S2 2017/5/11 updated
   A1A2 2017/10/12 updated
   ※Courses taught in English are indicated by English course titles.
   ・for Doctoral Program 2017/10/12 updated
  • Class Schedule for MPP/IP students  (as of 2017/4/12)
  1. Students who enrolled in MPP/IP BEFORE March 31, 2017
  2. Students who enrolled in MPP/IP AFTER April 1, 2017 (PMIR)
  3. Students who enrolled in MPP/IP AFTER April 1, 2017 (EPFD)
  • Access and Campus Maps
   ・GraSPP-affiliated building placement map 2017/9/12 updated
   ・About UTokyo



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