締切日/開催日 2020年03月05日(木)
Online survey on the Asia-Pacific Transport Working Group’s (APTWG) Guide
The APTWG is now conducting the online survey for international students and students who have a study abroad experience. The submission deadline is Thursday, 5th March. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
The Working Group on Student Mobility and Quality Assurance of Higher Education among ASEAN Plus Three Countries (APTWG)*1 is now developing a guide, including a list of contents that is recommended for publishing online, to support the efforts of universities in the ASEAN Plus Three region in making information available online and promoting student exchange.
This questionnaire aims to solicit feedback on the “List of Recommended Online Information” section of the guide as well as to gather students’ experiences of researching study abroad information online from students who studied, or are currently studying or planning to study abroad.