A2 Intensive: Case Study (International Field Workshop) (5140730-2/5179004-2)
November 12, 2020
The International Field Workshop (IFW) will move to a virtual format this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The overarching theme is “Strategic foresight in addressing public policy challenges beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The number of students allowed to participate will be limited to about 10 due to the nature of the course involving a series of intensive discussion with professionals at our counterpart organizations. A pre-registration screening will be conducted before registration (A2 course registration period: November 26-December 2).
GraSPP Office will take care of registration for those who are allowed to register—students cannot register via UTAS by themselves. If the registration period with your school is different from GraSPP’s, please seek permission from your school office for registering in this course outside your school’s registration period.
The field workshop is tentatively scheduled to take place during a period from Tuesday, February 23 to Saturday, March 13, 2021 (Tokyo time) with a series of virtual meetings with professionals at our counterpart organizations located in the United States. Due to time difference, we will have virtual meetings only during either very early morning or mid-night hours (Tokyo time). Our tentative target organizations, which might change depending on the COVID-19 situation, are as follows.
Washington, DC
The Brookings Institution—https://www.brookings.edu/
International Monetary Fund (IMF)—https://www.imf.org/
The World Bank Group—https://www.worldbank.org/
New York
UN Women—https://www.unwomen.org/
Students willing to register for this course are required to (a) choose one of the tentative target organizations listed above, (b) search the organization’s website to identify a topic (or topics) of your interest as well as a unit (or units, or professionals) responsible for the topic, (c) write a proposal to define issues to discuss in the context of “Strategic foresight in addressing public policy challenges beyond the COVID-19 pandemic” and to explain the motivation behind (not more than 300 words), and (d) submit your proposal together with your CV in a sub-folder titled “IFW 2020A2 Student Proposal” in the shared Google Drive folder <URL is available on UTAS> by noon on Wednesday, November 25, 2020. The file you submit should have your name and student number in its title. When you prepare a proposal, please take a look at Reference Materials available in the shared Google Drive folder <URL is available on UTAS>.
To help students better understand the course and pre-registration screening before registration, two identical information sessions will take place on Wednesday, November 18 (12:30-13:00 and 19:00-19:30, Tokyo time) via Zoom. URL to the Zoom meetings will be given on UTAS.
Please do not count credits for this course to satisfy your completion requirements if you plan to graduate in March 2021.
For inquiry: tnishizawa<a>pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp (please replace <a> with @)