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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

[Deadline extended/締切延長します] Call for Applications: STIG Research Assistant Position 2021年06月14日(月)

締切日/開催日 2021年06月25日(金)

STIG Education Program is looking for a Research Assistant as below.

【Research Topic/研究課題】
Research on public-private partnership for international rule formation and standardization that contributes to the overseas expansion of Japan’s space debris-related technology” (original title in Japanese: 我が国の宇宙デブリ関連技術の海外展開に資する国際ルール形成・標準化のための官民連携に関する研究)

【Application Requirements/募集要項】
Please refer to the STIG website below:

Friday, June 25 at 17:00

Science, Technology and Innovation Governance (STIG)
Education Program