締切日/開催日 2021年09月13日(月)
An online presentation session will be organized at 1:00pm on September 13th (Mon). Two JICA international students who study at Public Administration Course in Graduate School of Economics, Yamaguchi University will make a presentation on their master thesis in this event. These students have been engaged in their research at the University in a close collaboration with JICA Ogata Research Institute and JICA Chugoku under JICA Development Study Program (JICA-DSP).
1. Date and time
Start: 1:00 pm (Japan standard time) on September 13th (Mon)
If only two students make presentation, the presentation time in total is around 1.5-2 hours. But if there are some students to make presentation, the time is likely to be extended.
2. Objectives
(1) For the two international students of Yamaguchi University: to obtain an opportunity of making a presentation and get insights from various students from other universities
(2) For other international students from other universities: to know what other international students study in other universities and get stimulus for further researches
3. Speakers
Two JICA international students who study and submitted master thesis this summer.
(1) Mr. Abdul Waresh Ansary (from Bangladesh). Thesis title is “The Effectiveness of ICT intervention to control Child Marriage in Bangladesh (A Case Study on Kurigram Deputy Commissioner Office’s ICT initiative)”.
(2) Mr. Hosain Razib (form Bangladesh). Thesis title is “Social Cohesion, Social Capital and Community Voluntarism (Bangladesh Ansar-VDP Clubs’ Perspective): Linkages and Implications: An empirical study on rural and urban Bangladesh”.
4. Expected participants
JICA and other international students who study in Japanese graduate programs.
5. Draft program
(1) Introduction
(2) First presentations (followed by Q&A)
(3) Second presentations (followed by Q&A)
(4) Closing
(NOTE) Time allocation: 20min for presentation and 20min for Q&A for each presentation.
6. Registration
To register, send an email to Professor Amatsu at Yamaguchi University including the following information by noon on September 10th (Fri) . After that, a Zoom Link will be sent to you.
(1) name
(2) which country you are from?
(3) name of your course and university
(4) grade (e.g. M1, M2. D1,,,,.)
(5) your interest in making your presentation, taking this opportunity.
7. Organizer
Professor Kuniaki Amatsu, Faculty of Economics, Yamaguchi University
Email: amatsu[at]yamaguchi-u.ac.jp *replace [at] with @