Dear Students,
This is Yuka Motoda, who is going to teach the Governance and Development course.
I am currently having trouble logging on to the UTAS.
The files for today’s session will be uploaded to ITC-LMS as soon as the lecturer manage to log on the system.
I am very sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
This course is delivered in a face-to-face manner at IAR 1222E(Seminar Room E).
Those who will not be able to join in-person lessons due to excusable circumstances concerning COVID-19 could join the course via online as far as they contact the lecturer in advance.
The information required to access a Zoom meeting room for hybrid classes for them will be announced in the designated section of the course in the ITC-LMC sometime this afternoon.
Looking forward to seeing you this evening.
Yuka Motoda