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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Guest Speaker Seminar: Tracking Global Demand for Sovereign Debt (Mr. Takahiro Tsuda, Deputy Head of Research Division in Budget Bureau, Ministry of Finance) 2016年12月12日(月)

Guest Speaker Seminar

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In conjunction with “Sovereign Debt”

Date & Time: Monday, December 12, 2016, 16:50-18:35

Venue: Room 710, Administration Bureau Building 2

Language: English

Facilitator: Prof. Toshiro Nishizawa

Open to all current students

A recent series of turbulence in global economy offers a fresh reminder that dynamics of sovereign debt is determined by not only supply side but also demand side—”who holds sovereign debt.” In this seminar, Mr. Tsuda will share the key findings from the dataset on sovereign debt investor base that covers 24 advanced economies and 24 emerging economies, as well as policy implications, with a particular focus on less-commonly-known foreign investors’ behavior.

Speaker’s Profile:
Takahiro Tsuda is a deputy head of research division in the Budget Bureau, Ministry of Finance. He is in charge of research on fiscal policy, macro-fiscal projection, and dialogue with international financial institutions and academia. Prior to the current position, he covered various international finance issues in the Ministry, including G7/G20 coordination, IMF, and bilateral cooperation with China and India. He also worked for IMF as financial sector expert during 2010-13 and developed a methodology to estimate a sovereign debt investor base dataset. He is a CFA charter holder.