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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Guest Speaker Seminar: Argentina’s Return to International Financial Markets in Historical Perspective (Dr. Kenji Hosnono, Chief Representative of JBIC in Buenos Aires, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)) 2016年12月12日(月)

Guest Speaker Seminar

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In conjunction with “Sovereign Debt”

Date & Time: Monday, December 12, 2016, 18:45-20:30

Venue: Room 610, Administration Bureau Building 2

Language: English

Facilitator: Prof. Toshiro Nishizawa

Open to all current students

Argentina is drawing attention for the recent economic opening, liberalization, and the return to international financial markets. Dr. Hosono compares and analyzes this process with those of Argentina in 1950s and 1990s from a historical perspective.

Speaker’s Profile:
Dr. Kenji Hosono joined the Export-Import Bank of Japan (now JBIC) in 1993. He served as a JBIC’s representative in the Buenos Aires Office (1996-1998), economist at IMF (2007-2010), and also director/senior economist at JBIC’s Country Credit Department among other assignments.