In recent years, China’s rapid emergence as a central actor in world politics has coincided with a more assertive and risk-taking foreign and security policy. Under Xi Jinping, especially, Beijing’s push to secure hotly contested territorial and maritime claims has ruffled the feathers of several regional states. The Japan-China standoff over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands has unveiled the antagonistic quality to contemporary Sino-Japanese relations, with important additions to standard balancing behavior: economic statecraft and, notably, active engagement with government-led strategic communications. Under the Xi and Abe administrations, China and Japan have insisted on their moral position as benign and peaceful powers, and portrayed their neighbour as an aggressive revisionist. These strategic narratives, conveyed internationally and domestically, have cemented the two states’ rivalry.
Dr. Giulio Pugliese will give an account of Japan-China power politics in the military, economic and propaganda domains. His assessment of the diplomatic, economic and identity clash between the world’s second and third wealthiest states will provide a window in understanding the international politics in the early 21st Century. In particular, by highlighting great power rivalry, he offers his empirical findings in favour of the power politics behind Sino-Japanese identity construction. This talk will be multi-disciplinary in spirit and will speak to both academics and to members of the public who might be curious of understanding this fascinating —if worrisome— facet of Sino-Japanese relations.
日時: 2018年07月11日(水)10:30–12:00
場所: 国際学術総合研究棟4F SMBCアカデミアホール MAP
講演者: Giulio Pugliese, Lecturer, War Studies at King’s College London
言語: 英語
定員: 40名
主催: 東京大学政策ビジョン研究センター安全保障研究ユニット/ GraSPPリサーチセミナー
Dr. Giulio Pugliese is Lecturer in War Studies at King’s College London. He holds a Laurea (B.A.) in Political Science and East Asian Studies from the University of Naples, “L’Orientale” (cum laude), an M.A. in International Economics and International Relations (concentrating on East Asian Studies) from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. He specialises in the politics, both domestic and international, of the Asia-Pacific with a focus on Japan, China and the United States. In addition, he has worked in Japan for four years, including at the Mitsubishi Research Institute writing on arms export regulations for a study commissioned by Japan’s Ministry of Economics Trade and Industry (METI). He is a recipient of a three year post-doctoral fellowship by the British Academy.