The 121st STIG PoP Seminar “The Smart City as a Field of Innovation for Sustainability: Exploring Data Governance and Its Impact”
The 121st STIG PoP Seminar “The Smart City as a Field of Innovation for Sustainability: Exploring Data Governance and Its Impact”
「航空を巡る現状と課題」国土交通省 久保田雅晴 氏
Decision making and effective leadership—policy practitioners’ experience sharing
「交通社会資本としての鉄道整備」政策研究大学院大学 客員教授・名誉教授 森地 茂 氏
The 120th STIG PoP Seminar “5th STIG Space Policy Webinar | Space industry promotion in India and Japan”
Decision making and effective leadership—policy practitioners’ experience sharing
China, Japan, and the Changing Global Development Landscape
Public-Private Partnerships and public-sector productivity | Supported by Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
チャレンジ!オープンガバナンス(COG)2022に向けて (オンラインキックオフイベント)