June 30, 2022
10:30-12:00 (JST) / Hybrid Mode (Seminar Room E & Zoom Online)
The 121st STIG PoP Seminar “The Smart City as a Field of Innovation for Sustainability: Exploring Data Governance and Its Impact”
The 121st STIG PoP Seminar “The Smart City as a Field of Innovation for Sustainability: Exploring Data Governance and Its Impact”
Guest Speaker Seminar with Mr. Masaharu Kubota
Decision making and effective leadership—policy practitioners’ experience sharing
Guest Speaker Seminar with Prof. Shigeru Morichi (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies(GRIPS))
The 120th STIG PoP Seminar “5th STIG Space Policy Webinar | Space industry promotion in India and Japan”
Decision making and effective leadership—policy practitioners’ experience sharing
China, Japan, and the Changing Global Development Landscape
Public-Private Partnerships and public-sector productivity | Supported by Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
チャレンジ!オープンガバナンス(COG)2022に向けて (オンラインキックオフイベント)
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Interim Review” in June